Submitting electronic medical records to Social Security is much more efficient than paper records and will increase efficiency in which medical decisions are made on claims.
Medical records are the key to a successful disability claim as Social Security needs the necessary evidence to find a claimant disabled and by using Social Security’s system of electronic records submissions provides for a secure way to ensure that all evidence is considered in a case. Below, Social Security outlines the benefits of its Electronic Record Express.
Using Electronic Records Express to transmit health and client records can help ensure your patients receive timely decisions. Electronic Records Express can also be useful in quickly transmitting student disability records. For example, a state DDS or Social Security may ask for information from your school about a student who has filed a claim for Social Security disability.
You may get a letter asking for medical evidence or other information — such as the “Teacher Questionnaire” (Form SSA-5665) and the “Request for Administrative Information” (Form SSA-5666). The forms are located at Timely transmission of those records through Electronic Records Express helps the DDS and Social Security determine if the student qualifies for disability benefits more quickly.
The Advantages
- You can send records at your convenience;
- You’ll be submitting information directly to Social Security, helping to expedite decisions on disability claims;
- You’ll save the costs of copying, paper, toner, and postage; and
- You’ll eliminate the need for follow-up associated with the slower speed of traditional mail.
Sending records electronically is fast and easy
If you aren’t already doing so, Social Security urges representatives to submit all records electronically. Electronic processes can make it quicker and easier for medical and other claimant records to be transferred securely and directly. This improved process eliminates the wait for mail to arrive and ultimately speeds up processing, so we can give the claimant a decision sooner.
Secure website
Use your existing internet connection to send electronic or scanned paper records quickly and easily through Social Security’s secure website.
Use your office fax to send records to Social Security any time day or night. For either of these methods, use a barcode provided by the state DDS or Social Security hearing office handling your client’s disability claim. The barcode directs the information you submit to the claimant’s unique disability folder. For additional information about obtaining barcodes or about faxing, contact the state DDS or Social Security hearing office.
Another option
Continued support for paper submissions
- Mail submissions to the appropriate local Social Security office; or
- Mail submissions to Social Security’s contract scanning service, as requested by the state DDS or the local Social Security office.