What Social Security Disability Benefits You May Receive

Once you are approved for disability benefits through one of the Social Security Administration’s programs, the amount you will receive may be different from what another recipient receives. Knowing what to expect can help you plan for your future. The amounts shown in the information below are based on the year 2012. These amounts are adjusted each year to compensate for inflation. In most years, the amount is increased, but that is not always the case.

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits

These benefits are based on your income prior to becoming disabled and on how long a period you contributed to the Social Security system, so a calculation is done based on these factors to arrive at the amount of your benefits. You should receive an annual Social Security Statement in the mail. That statement will give you an estimate of your disability benefits. If you do not have that statement, you can request one from the Social Security Administration by calling 1-800-772-1213.

The same payment amounts and calculations apply to benefits for Disabled Adult Children but are calculated based on the Social Security contributions of the parent. Similarly, amounts for Disabled Widow’s/Widower’s Benefits are calculated based on the Social Security contributions made by the spouse.

Depending on a number of factors, including age and other factors, other income may cause you to pay income taxes on your Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. In addition, your DIB payments may stop altogether if you earn “substantial” income. In 2012, “substantial” income is $1010 per month. If you are blind, “substantial” income is $1650. If you are trying to return to work, however, there is a trial period of nine months during which you can earn money while continuing to receive DIB payments.

If you have questions about how much your benefit will be, you can contact the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213 to arrange an appointment at your local Social Security office.

SSI Benefits

If you qualify for SSI benefits, the basic benefit monthly payment is $698 for individuals or $1048 for eligible couples. In addition, you may receive additional payments from your state. These state payments vary. Other income you may receive can reduce these payments, and there is a limit on other income and resources. If your income or resources exceed that limit, you cannot receive SSI benefits. The income and resources limits vary from state to state. You can call the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213 to learn the limits in your state.

Greeman Toomey PLLC – Assisting Clients with Disability Insurance Claims

At Greeman Toomey PLLC, we understand how complex and confusing Social Security disability benefits programs can be. In our 20+ years of combined experience, we have represented over 25,000 people who were seeking disability benefits. We practice exclusively in the area of Social Security disability law. You should know that you have the right to have professional legal representation in any appeal of an adverse or unfavorable decision. If you have had a disability benefits application denied by the Social Security Administration, it is important that you appeal those decisions in a timely manner. Contact Greeman Toomey PLLC to schedule a free consultation to discuss your particular situation.