Understanding a Continuing Disability Review (CDR)

The Social Security disability process is a long and winding road, and even after a claimant has been found disabled by the Social Security Administration and award benefits, it is important to remember that Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are not permanent benefits. Social Security will review a claimant’s medical condition periodically to ensure the claimant remains disabled and entitled to benefits.

A Continuing Disability Review (CDR) is conducted by Social Security once every three years for claimants who are expected to medically improve from their conditions. Even if Social Security determines a claimant’s impairments are not expected to improve over time, Social Security will still review a claimant’s case every five to seven years.

When Social Security decides to conduct a CDR, the agency will contact the beneficiary to get updated medical treatment information from the beneficiary’s treating sources to determine if they are still eligible to SSDI benefits. Social Security will also review a beneficiary’s income, resources and living arrangements to ensure the beneficiary meets the non-medical requirements for Social Security’s disability programs.

It is in the best interest of the beneficiary to participate in the CDR process and to provide Social Security with all requested information during the review process. Failure to comply with Social Security’s requirements could result in the termination of benefits.

If you received a CDR notice from Social Security and are interested in assistance, please contact Greeman Toomey PLLC at 877-332-3252 for a free consultation.

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