Social Security Disability Benefits Are Not Easy To Obtain

Nothing about the Social Security disability process is easy, but the most difficult part of the process remains obtaining a medial approval from Social Security on your claim. Over the last 20-plus years approval percentages on disability claims have dropped, but even so, it’s not impossible to obtain a medical approval. Social Security has made it increasingly more difficult to medically qualify for benefits comparted to a decade ago or longer.

Social Security tracks approval percentages on disability claims going back decades and the numbers don’t lie. In 1999 according to Social Security‘s own internal numbers, the approval percentage on disability claims in 1999 was  56 percent. That number dropped below 30 percent to 29.2 percent just 20 years later. There are many factors that can influence a reduction in approval percentages, but there is no doubt that Social Security’s rules changes related to disability claims have played a significant part in the overall lower approvals. If you are interested in learning more about applying for Social Security disability and would like a free consultation please  contact Greeman Toomey at 612-332-3252.


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