The Purpose And Function Of Social Security

Social Security has many services available that many people may be aware of, so it is always valuable to point out all that Social Security has to offer.

Purposes of Social Security

What Are The Purposes Of Social Security?


The Social Security Act and related laws establish a number of programs that have the following basic purposes:

  1. To provide for the material needs of individuals and families;
  2. To protect aged and disabled persons against the expenses of illnesses that may otherwise use up their savings;
  3. To keep families together; and
  4. To give children the chance to grow up healthy and secure.

What Programs Are Included Under The Social Security Act And Related Laws?

The following programs are included:

  1. Retirement insurance;
  2. Survivors insurance;
  3. Disability insurance;

D Hospital and medical insurance for the aged, the disabled, and those with end-stage renal disease;

  1. Prescription Drug Benefit
  2. Extra Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Costs
  3. Supplemental security income;
  4. Special Veterans Benefits;
  5. Unemployment insurance; and
  6. Public assistance and welfare services, including:
  7. Temporary assistance for needy families;
  8. Medical assistance;
  9. Maternal and child health services;
  10. Child support enforcement;
  11. Family and child welfare services;
  12. Food stamps; and
  13. Energy assistance.

The Function of Social Security

What Services Can Your Local Social Security Office Provide?

Your local Social Security office is the place where you can:

  1. Apply for a Social Security number;
  2. Check on your earnings record;
  3. Apply for Social Security benefits, SSI, hospital insurance protection, and Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug costs;
  4. Enroll for medical insurance;
  5. Receive assistance in applying for food stamps; and
  6. Get full information about individual and family rights and obligations under the law.

There is no charge for the services of the office staff.

How Can You Obtain Social Security Services?


You can call our toll-free telephone number, 1-800-772-1213, to receive the services listed in (A) – (F) above. This toll-free telephone number service is available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. any business day. All calls are confidential. The toll-free telephone number is not accessible from outside the United States. For information on how to obtain services when you are outside the United States, see:

Are There Other Places You Can Meet Social Security Office Staff Other Than The Local Offices?

If you live far away from the city or town in which the local office is located, our staff makes regular visits to outlying areas. We make visits to locations called contact stations. You can obtain a schedule of these visits from the nearest Social Security office. You can also telephone the nearest Social Security office or call our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213, to obtain prompt answers to questions or to apply for benefits.

If necessary, a representative from our office will make a personal visit to your home if you are unable to visit the office or contact station because of illness or infirmity. (See

Where Can You Find Contact Information For The Nearest Social Security Office?

For the telephone number or address of the nearest Social Security office, look in the telephone directory in the blue pages for Social Security Administration under “United States Government.” You can also call our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 or access the SSA website (, for assistance.