I’ve been found disabled by SSA, do I receive medical insurance?

If SSA finds that you are disabled you will qualify for medical insurance, but when you’re eligible and what type of insurance you receive varies by disability benefit program. You may be eligible for either Medicare or Medicaid.

Medicare is a federally run insurance health insurance program. It will help cover your hospital and medical bills. When you become eligible for Medicare a premium will be deducted from your monthly benefits. Medicaid is a state administered need based assistance program.

If you are approved for Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) you will be eligible for Medicare 30 months from the date you are found disabled. This sounds like a long time to wait for Medicare coverage to start, but if your disability onset date is in the past you may have already put a large dent in the waiting period.

You may qualify you Medicare coverage faster if you have been diagnosed with permanent kidney failure, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease), or a terminal illness.

If you are approved for Disabled Adult Child benefits or Disabled Widows Benefits you will also qualify for Medicare.

If you are approved for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) you will most likely be eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid is a state administered program that like SSA is based upon financial need. If you have been approved for SSI check with your local Medicaid office to see if you qualify.

For more information regarding Medicare eligibility click here.


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