House Committee Looking Into Long Wait Lines At SSA Offices

After more than a two-year wait Social Security customers are able to visit a Social Security field office in person, but considering Social Security offices were closed for two years due to COVID-19 it should not have been unexpected to see long lines forming outside Social Security offices when customers are starving for service, but when customers are forced to wait outside in summer sweltering conditions it creates another problem for the agency.
Now the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee is getting involved and wants answers from Social Security on way the agency plans to improve the long wait lines and conditions.
In a letter dated August 16, 2022, Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal and Ranking Member Kevin Brady have asked Social Security Acting Commissioner Kilolo Kijakazi to address the committee’s concerns regarding waiting conditions at Social Security offices. Below are the specific concerns the letter asked the acting commissioner to address.
We strongly urge SSA to take additional action to address the safety needs of individuals who are seeking field office services. We respectfully request your response to the following by no later than August 30, 2022:
1) What steps is SSA taking to address the immediate safety needs of individuals who are waiting in dangerous environmental conditions? Specifically:
a) What steps is SSA taking to reduce the wait times for individuals who are seeking in-person service?
b) What steps is SSA taking to ensure that individuals are not waiting outside without shelter in extreme weather?
2) What guidance should we provide to our constituents who are having trouble accessing SSA’s services?
3) How many and what offices have had members of the public waiting outside for more than one hour at a heat index at or above 90 degrees since reopening to the general public (April 2022)?
4) Please provide SSA’s current field office COVID-19 safety policy and protocols.

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