Do I qualify for an Expedited Reinstatement of SSDI/SSI benefits?

If you have previously received either Social Security Disability benefits or Supplemental Security Income benefits, your benefits ended due to work activity and are now unable to continue to work, you may eligible for an Expedited Reinstatement (EXR).

If you apply for an EXR you can request that your benefits start again without having to complete a new disability application.

In order to be eligible for an EXR you must meet the following requirements

  • Your benefits stopped due to work earnings;
  • You’re currently unable to work at or above Substantial Gainful Activity (As of January 2012, Substantial Gainful Activity is anything above $1010 gross income per month);
  • Your impairments are the same or related to the impairments you were previously awarded for; and
  • You request an EXR within 60 months from the month your benefits ended.

While waiting for the determination of the EXR you may be eligible for up to six months of temporary benefits. If the EXR claim is denied you most likely will not be required to pay these benefits back. If you were previously receiving Medicare benefits you will also be entitled to Medicare during this six-month period.

For some claimants it may be in their best interest to file a new claim instead of pursuing the EXR. With an EXR your monthly benefit amount will be equal to what you were previously receiving. If you have been working your primary insured amount may have increased based on the taxes you have paid in to the Social Security system. While it may take longer for your application to be processed if/when you are approved, you may be entitled to a higher monthly benefit amount with your new application.

If you are unsure if you are eligible for an EXR claim or have questions on what your best option is, please contact our office at (612) 332-3252 or toll free at (877) 332-3252.

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