Know Which Kinds Of Financial Assistance Can Impact Your SSI Payments
Social Security announced a while ago it was changing its rules regarding eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments so that beneficiaries would not be penalized for receiving Economic Impact Payments (EIP) and other kinds of financial support. The SSI program provides monthly benefits to individuals who are retired or disabled who meet strict financial guidelines. The SSI program was meant for individuals with limited income and assets, but too many individuals were being negatively impacted by SSI’s limits so the agency recently adjusted its income and asset rules. Below is a message from Social Security and a list of types of payments that should not negatively impact SSI beneficiaries. We recently changed our rules about what financial assistance can affect your eligibility for SSI or your monthly SSI payment amount. Specifically, we no longer count the financial assistance listed below against your eligibility or payment amount. We are reviewing SSI claims and other SSI records going back to the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to restore SSI payments for people whose SSI was affected by receiving any of the assistance listed below. • Economic Impact Payments (EIP) • State Stimulus Payments (Some exclusions may apply.) • Unemployment Assistance (also includes regular unemployment) • Paycheck Protection Program (PPP): Loan Forgiveness to Employers and Self-Employed Individuals • Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program: Loans/Grants to Employers and Self-Employed Individuals /Grants • Coronavirus Food Assistance Program – Direct Payments to Farmers and Ranchers • COVID-19 Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program • COVID-19 Funeral Assistance • Emergency Rental Assistance Fund • Emergency Assistance for Rural Housing/Rural Rental Assistance • Homeowner Assistance Fund • Housing Assistance and Supportive Services Programs for Native Americans • Tribal Payments from the Coronavirus Relief Fund and the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds • Supporting Foster Youth and Families • Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund • Emergency Assistance to Children and Families through the Pandemic Emergency Assistance Fund • Farm Loan Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers • USDA Assistance and Support for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers, Ranchers, Forest Land Owners and Operators, and Groups. Despite Social Security’s action to adjust the rules regarding SSI payments some beneficiaries have seen benefits reduced because some of these types of payments, which should be a mistake and will require Social Security to make adjustments. If your SSI payments have been reduced due to receiving assistance from any of the sources listed above Social Security should be aware, but it may take some time to resolve the issue. Below is an explanation from Social Security of what beneficiaries should do if they discover their benefits have been reduced due to one of these types of payments. In most cases, you do not need to do anything. If we do not need any information from you to restore your SSI payment, we will restore your SSI payment and we will mail you a letter explaining the change. We will send the letter to the most recent address we have available for you. If you have an appointed representative, or a representative payee, we will also send this information to your representative. If we need information from you first, or if we need to take a new SSI claim, we will mail you a letter. The letter will explain that we need to talk with you at a scheduled appointment. If your SSI stopped because you received or still receive the assistance below, and you moved since your SSI stopped, please call your local office to report your move and talk with us.