The Latest With Social Security
We realize it may be a stretch for ordinary people to want to keep up with the comings and goings of the Social Security Administration, but sometimes circumstances permit where someone does want to follow the latest news regarding the agency due to a possible retirement or disability interest. This blog is an ongoing piecemeal of recent stories that have involved Social Security. Some are tidbits and some are important things that should be known in the world of retirement or disability and others are just interesting stories and nothing more. Investigation Into Closing Of Milwaukee Field Office The Milwaukee Social Security field office, located on Mitchell Street, is scheduled to be closed March 22. According to an article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the decision to close the office is due to heating problems, elevator breakdowns and increased violent crime in the area, said Phyllis Smith, Social Security’s regional commissioner for the area. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) decided to investigate whether Social Security followed agency policies when they announced the closing earlier this year, after a request from U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) to look into the matter. The investigation will also analyze the agency’s reasons for deciding to close the office. Social Security has received backlash for the decision to close the office and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett even offered Social Security a relocation site in the city, at a former library. Barrett said the closure is going to create hardships for some people who need a Social Security office close by to access services. “What it comes down to is having our federal government serve our residents,” Barrett said in previous article posted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “We shouldn’t be creating barriers that make it difficult many times for our elderly, for our disabled people, those who need the help of the Social Security Administration. The OIG has not provided a time table for the review, or indicated whether the review would impact Social Security’s plans on closing the office March 22. Keeping Your Social Security Information Safe A Cleveland Plain Dealer reader recently contacted the paper about being the victim of stolen Social Security information. The reader wrote a letter to the paper to help inform other people that their Social Security information may not be secure. This reader received a letter from Social Security informing that someone opened an online Social Security account and that the agency also received a change of address notification. The reader, realizing they had never opened an online account or requested a change of address, visited Social Security and wisely did not ignore the letters. Social Security recommends that everyone setup their own online account, which can be done at By doing so, this will prevent someone else from opening an account in your name, and even if you do open an account, it does not require you to use it. “Having an account and adding extra layers of security available give people multiple layers of security, said Doug Nguyen, a regional spokesperson for the Social Security Administration.