Keeping your Social Security attorney’s office informed of any changes in your medical condition and where you are treating for your conditions is imperative to proving to the Social Security Administration that you are disabled. A large portion of the evidence used to prove your case comes from the medical records obtained from your treating… Read more »
The 5 Stages of the Social Security Disability Process
In a perfect world, applying for Social Security disability would be quick and painless, but we don’t live in a perfect world. Instead, applying for Social Security disability can be confusing, time consuming and most definitely frustrating. To help you understand the process from beginning to end, below is an outline of the five different… Read more »
The Social Security Administration has special procedures for the acutely ill
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has established different claim processing procedures for claimant’s who are acutely ill. The average claimant is required to wait several months for a decision, while a claimant whom the SSA believes would likely be found disabled may be able to request that the SSA expedite the processing of their claim… Read more »
Video Teleconference Hearings: Efficiency and convenience, or an over-reliance on technology?
The Social Security Administration over the past couple years has given notice to more and more claimants that their hearing is being held via video teleconference. A claimant would go to the office where the hearing is being held and instead of the judge being in person, he/she would be on a video screen. The… Read more »
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
Q: I was recently diagnosed with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS). Is this a real disease?! What does it mean? A: FBSS is a chronic pain condition that may be diagnosed after multiple surgical intervention fail to correct (or worse yet, exacerbate) pain caused by spinal and cervical abnormalities. Typically, patients receive this diagnosis from… Read more »
Bright IDEA: How an IEP Can Strengthen Your Child’s Disability Claim Part II
This is Part II of a multipart series that will examine the law behind Individualized Education Programs (“IEPs”), how parents can find out whether their child is eligible for an IEP, how IEPs are created, and how parents can effectively use an IEP once it is established. Parents are often the first to notice that… Read more »
Social Security Disability Applications Decrease Again
Many politicians and pundits over have made accusations that an increase in the number of people receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits is a sign that Americans are relying too much on government, but these claims do not match-up with what is really going on with Social Security’s disability programs. It is true that… Read more »
Social Security Disability is Not Charity
Most people who file for Social Security disability never dreamed they would be asking the government for assistance because they could not longer work, but eventually they realize they have no other choice. As Americans we are told at an early age the importance of a hard day’s work, but what happens when you are… Read more »
What happens after my disability hearing?
After you have your hearing, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) will issue their decision. Claimants typically wait one to three months for the decision to be issued. The ALJ has three possible choices. The options are a fully favorable decision, partially favorable decision or unfavorable decision. A fully favorable decision means the ALJ finds you… Read more »
Social Security Disability Payments and Direct Deposit Information
Direct deposit delivers Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit payments into your bank or credit union’s account quickly and safely. You can withdraw your money at any time. The difference is, your check is not printed or mailed. Effective May 1, 2011 all applicants filing for Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)… Read more »