The Social Security Administration (SSA) may be able to pay you Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits while you wait for your medical determination if you qualify for Presumptive Disability or Presumptive Blindness benefits. These are temporary benefits awarded to a claimant whose alleged conditions make them likely to be approved. These benefits are paid out… Read more »
Who Makes Lower Level Decisions on Disability Cases?
In most states, the majority of Social Security disability cases are denied twice, which results in the need to request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). Obviously the ALJ makes the disability determination after the hearing, but who makes disability determinations prior to this level? Most people who are applying for either Social Security… Read more »
Treating for your Conditions is Crucial to your Disability Claim
A successful Social Security disability claim is dependent on a lot of variables, but there is nothing more crucial to a Social Security claim than medical evidence to prove your disabilities. You are going to need to prove you are disabled to the Social Security Administration and the best way to do this is through… Read more »
I was approved at my hearing, when will I get paid?
If you are eligible for DIB benefits, your claim will be transferred to one the SSA’s payment centers. The payment center will calculate what your monthly benefit is and how much you are owed in back pay. The benefit value is based on what you have paid into the SSA. There is a five month… Read more »
Social Security Disability and Early Retirement
Many people approaching the early Social Security retirement age of 62 wrestle with whether they should apply for early retirement. If a person is suffering from impairments that they believe limits their ability to work they also may consider applying for Social Security disability. This is brief article about making the decision is bit easier…. Read more »
Checking to Make Sure You are Still Disabled
In order to qualify for Social Security disability you are not required to prove that you are permanently disabled, just that you have been, or will be, disabled for 12 months consecutively. Once you are found disabled for either the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs you may believe that… Read more »
Do I have a Compassionate Allowance Condition?
Some individuals have conditions that are considered so serious that the Social Security Administration (SSA) will fast-track their application for benefits. The Compassionate Allowance Initiative identifies these conditions via public outreach hearings and consultation with various medical and scientific authorities. There are over 200 conditions that are considered as Compassionate Allowance (CAL ) conditions. Although… Read more »
What Happens When a Social Security Disability Applicant Dies?
Death is certainly not an easy topic to discuss, but in reality death is a part of life. Even so, it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with especially if a death occurs when someone who has applied for Social Security disability dies before the final determination of a case. Although it is rare,… Read more »
Social Security Benefit Overpayment
An Arizona newspaper that hides its name on its website wrote: Gaye Kelley spent 50 years in the workforce, doing many jobs: teacher, flight attendant and, eventually, Salt River Project customer-service representative for 30 years. When the Mesa resident retired in 2011, she had accrued a full two years of vacation pay and sick days… Read more »
Payments to Same-Sex Couples: Partner Benefits
August 8, 2013 Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security publically stated: “I am pleased to announce that Social Security is now processing some retirement spouse claims for same-sex couples and paying benefits where they are due. The recent Supreme Court decision on Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, made just over… Read more »