Despite the fact that most people are aware that anyone who has been deemed disabled by the Social Security Administration (SSA) is entitled to disability benefits, most of these same people are unaware of dependent benefits. Social Security provides benefits to children of insured workers who die, become disabled, or retire. According to SSA, approximately… Read more »
Social Security Disability and Medicare
Those who are approaching retirement age are probably pretty familiar with Medicare, but the federal health care program is not only for the retired, it is also for the disabled worker. It may be helpful to examine the program a little closer and to see just who qualifies for Medicare. Mainly, Medicare is the country’s… Read more »
Is a Showdown Over Social Security Disability Looming?
A recent article in the Washington Post indicated that Republicans in Congress have requested hearings on the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program in an effort to characterize the program as “wasteful” and “fraudulent” just in time for the 2014 mid-term congressional elections. The article insisted that instead of playing defense as is expected of… Read more »
It is Possible to Open Prior Social Security Disability Claims
Social Security disability claimants who have been denied repeatedly by the Social Security Administration for benefits will sometimes lose track of where they are in the process or how many times they’ve actually been denied benefits. One thing they commonly remember though is the first time they applied for either Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)… Read more »
What Exactly is an ALJ?
The majority of Social Security disability claimants, who continue to appeal unfavorable decisions at lower levels, will eventually have to request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). The ALJ is in charge of deciding whether or not a claimant is disabled and should be awarded either Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental… Read more »
Medication Non-Compliance
What if I haven’t been taking my medications regularly? Does that affect the likelihood of being awarded benefits? The realistic answer is: maybe. Social Security Ruling 82-59 outlines the circumstances under which a failure to follow prescribed medications would be accepted as “justifiable” and would not preclude a finding of disability. Social Security finds a failure… Read more »
Social Security Disability and Working Under the Table
The term “working under the table” is a phrase that is commonly known to a lot of people, but some may not be aware of what the phrase refers to. Working under the table means that someone is collecting a fee for work performed, but not reporting that income to the Internal Revenue Service or… Read more »
The Social Security Administration Makes Efforts to be Accessible to All People
In an article released in its April 2014 newsletter, the Social Security Administration (SSA) highlights the variety of ways it provides its services in order to accommodate people with disabilities. The SSA’s goal is to provide good customer service and to make sure that all people are able to access its programs and services. All… Read more »
How Railroad Benefits Differ From Social Security Benefits
The majority of people who file a claim for Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) receive a medical denial, meaning the Social Security Administration (SSA) has determined their condition (or conditions) are not severe enough to keep them from working at a substantial level. At the Initial Application level approximately 75% of… Read more »
Social Security Disability Applications Reducing
For a while there it appeared that the number of Social Security disability applications would continue to grow year-after-year with no end in sight. Well, the end appears to not only be in sight, but upon us. In a Wall Street Journal blog last month, it was reported that Social Security disability applications are falling…. Read more »