According to the Social Security Administration if you are a U.S. citizen, you can travel to or live in most foreign countries without impacting your Social Security benefits, but there are a few countries where they cannot send Social Security payments. These countries include: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cuba, Cambodia, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgzstan, Moldova, North Korea, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine,… Read more »
You Must Report Situation Changes to Social Security
When you file a claim for Social Security disability, the Social Security Administration will inform you that you must report any changes that could affect your claim or your family members’ disability claims and any changes to benefits if you have already been approved for Social Security disability. The most important thing is to report… Read more »
How Your Doctors Can Assist in the Disability Process
One question that we commonly ask our clients is if their doctors are supportive of the fact that they are unable to work fulltime and maintain that fulltime employment due to their disabilities. Your doctor can play an important role in your disability claim. Having a doctor who understands your disabilities and who shares your… Read more »
President Expected To Nominate Colvin As Commissioner
Earlier this month the Baltimore Sun reported that President Barack Obama intends to nominate Carolyn Colvin as the new commissioner of the Social Security Administration. Colvin has been serving as acting commissioner since taking over from Michael Astrue, whose term ended last year. Like many other of Obama’s nominations, the confirmation process is expected to… Read more »
Will Election Year Politics Get in the Way of Reform?
We have constantly heard about the shortfalls the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program is facing and some people may have even heard that the reserves of the program could be depleted as early as 2016. Considering 2016 is an election year, and a presidential one at that, it doesn’t take a political scholar… Read more »
The Consequences of Trying to Hide Income from Social
Earlier this month an Amarillo, TX woman pled guilty in federal court to participating in a scam that allowed her brother-in-law to collect $42,000 worth of Social Security disability payments he was not eligible for because he was working. The woman, who co-owned a concrete business, hired and employed the man who was allegedly collecting… Read more »
Can I Receive Benefits if I Live Abroad?
According to the Social Security Administration if you are a U.S. citizen, you can travel to or live in most foreign countries without impacting your Social Security benefits, but there are a few countries where they cannot send Social Security payments. These countries include: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cuba, Cambodia, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgzstan, Moldova, North Korea, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine,… Read more »
Rare Lung Disease: Obliterative Bronchiolitis Explained
Obliterative Bronchiolitis is a very rare and non-reversible form of obstructive lung disease. When someone suffers from this condition a small airway in the lungs becomes compressed and narrowed by scar tissue or inflammation. In these types of cases, the disease is extremely serious and can be fatal. Common symptoms of the condition include obstruction… Read more »
Social Security Disability Terms
The Social Security disability process can be lengthy and confusing. The Social Security Administration uses a lot of terms and definitions related to processing of disability claims, so to understand the process a little bit better, here are some terms Social Security uses and their definitions. More specifically, we are looking at the types of… Read more »
How does my living arrangement effect my SSI benefits?
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are paid to disabled individuals who also have little or no financial resources. Since SSI benefits are paid based on financial need your living arrangement may impact the amount of benefits you are eligible for. The Social Security Administration (SSA) considers where you live and who pays for your food… Read more »