Despite the fact that Social Security disability and Social Security retirement are two different programs, those who seek benefits from these two programs may not be aware that you cannot collect both Social Security disability and Social Security retirement at the same time. This is better understood when you realize that Social Security Disability Insurance… Read more »
What Happens When I Turn Retirement Age?
Those who are collecting Social Security disability benefits due to medical conditions that prevents them from working at a substantial level probably have wondered at least once or twice about what may happen to their benefits once they reach the full Social Security retirement age. The main things they wonder about is will their disability… Read more »
Rules About Same Sex Survival Benefits
Although Social Security is federally regulated agency, its rules relating to survivor’s benefits for same sex couples differs depending on which state you live in. That means that in 34 states where same sex marriage is legal that survivor benefits will be granted to the widow or widower of a same sex spouse, but that… Read more »
Technical denials for Disability Insurance Benefits and Supplemental Security Income Claims
When you file a claim with the Social Security Administration (SSA) for Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, the SSA will assess whether or not you meet the technical requirements for either program. If you do not meet the technical requirements for DIB or SSI you will be denied. If you… Read more »
The Positive Side To Social Security
The conservative media likes to attack Social Security, especially when it comes to Social Security disability benefits. We see stories from right-leaning media about how much fraud there is within the Social Security disability process and how honest working taxpayers are being bilked out of money by lazy Americans who would rather collect disability payments…. Read more »
What is the Status of My Case?
The Social Security disability process can be long and drawn-out. The majority of Social Security disability claims take up to two years before there is a final resolution. Due to the amount of time it takes for a Social Security disability case, most applicants inquire about the status of their case several times during the… Read more »
Alcoholism and Drug Addictions
Congress has prohibited Social Security from paying disability benefits on the basis of alcoholism or drug addiction. However, alcoholics and drug addicts have heart attacks, get cancer or get sick in other ways just like everyone else. Alcoholics and drug addicts who become disabled apart from their alcoholism or drug addiction can become eligible for… Read more »
Social Security Representation And Reasonable Fees
There is no doubt that as a Social Security disability law office Greeman Toomey PLLC is a business that is looking to make a profit like any other business is, but the fees we collect, just like any other entities that represent Social Security disability applicants, are regulated by the Social Security Administration and those… Read more »
Deputy Commissioner Nominee Advances
Anything attached to the phrase Social Security seems to move at a snail’s pace even if Social Security itself has nothing to do with the process. Andrew Eanes, who was nominated to become the deputy commissioner of Social Security, had been waiting for the Senate Finance Committee to consider his nomination since it was originally… Read more »
Where Is My Backpay?
A question any Social Security disability attorney or advocate is familiar with from clients is wondering exactly where are my past-due benefits after being found disabled? Unfortunately, as is the case with many matters involving Social Security disability, there are no easy answers. Ignoring the fact that medically qualifying for Social Security disability is a… Read more »