If you are eligible for DIB benefits, your claim will be transferred to one the SSA’s payment centers. The payment center will calculate what your monthly benefit is and how much you are owed in back pay. The benefit value is based on what you have paid into the SSA. There is a five month… Read more »
Social Security Disability and Early Retirement
Many people approaching the early Social Security retirement age of 62 wrestle with whether they should apply for early retirement. If a person is suffering from impairments that they believe limits their ability to work they also may consider applying for Social Security disability. This is brief article about making the decision is bit easier…. Read more »
Social Security Waste, Fraud and Abuse – Oh My
I guess some politicians and bureaucrats never get tired of banging the fraud and abuse drum when it comes to Social Security. I guess when conservative members of the press are complicit with also feeding the fraud and abuse fire, it may be sometime before this assertion is finally put to rest. For all the… Read more »
Do I have a Compassionate Allowance Condition?
Some individuals have conditions that are considered so serious that the Social Security Administration (SSA) will fast-track their application for benefits. The Compassionate Allowance Initiative identifies these conditions via public outreach hearings and consultation with various medical and scientific authorities. There are over 200 conditions that are considered as Compassionate Allowance (CAL ) conditions. Although an individual… Read more »
A First-hand Look At Applying For Benefits
Trying to explain to clients how difficult it can be reaching Social Security to apply for benefits or to just get some answers does not always crystallize just how high the mountain is to climb, but usually after a client makes an attempt, or several, of trying to visit a Social Security office or tries… Read more »
Payments to Same-Sex Couples: Partner Benefits
August 8, 2013 Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security publically stated: “I am pleased to announce that Social Security is now processing some retirement spouse claims for same-sex couples and paying benefits where they are due. The recent Supreme Court decision on Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, made just over… Read more »
The Latest Involving Social Security
Every now and then there seems to be a lot of current news involving new policies, rules or any matters related to Social Security, so this blog will focus on some current Social Security events. Despite the fact that Social Security has been around for more than 80 years things do change when it comes… Read more »
Not Making The Grade
Several times before we have talked about Social Security’s lack of resources related to customer service. Anyone who has had direct contact, or should I say attempted to have contact, with the Social Security Administration knows that actually succeeding in getting something accomplished is a monumental task. Although long wait times and customer service issues… Read more »
Going In The Wrong Direction
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities recently released some telling information about Social Security’s resources and the kind of workload it is facing. To make a long story short, Social Security has less operating money and less staff than it used to, but the workload has only increased. These figures compare today’s current environment… Read more »
An Ignorant Response To Increasing Social Security
President Barack Obama said it, so too has the 2016 Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton, but the Republican Party is against it. Social Security remains a wedge issue for the two parties. Most democrats wish to increase monthly benefits for those who collect retirement, disability or survivor’s benefits by increasing Social Security taxes on the… Read more »