
Those Who Have Payees Are The Payees

It can be difficult to explain Social Security’s Representative Payee program, but essentially it involves someone appointed by Social Security to manage Social Security benefits for someone Social Security determines to be incapable of managing their own benefits. Typically a payee will consist of a trusted relative or agency that is given the task of… Read more »

If Republicans Have Their Way Social Security Could Be Approaching Crisis Mode

In the world of supply and demand, employers typically do not cut budgets and staff when business increases, actually employers usually do just the opposite and hire new employees to handle customers and increased business, but Social Security looks to continue to cut budgets even though demand is increasing. Since 2010, after adding inflation, Social… Read more »

Social Security Disability and Working Under the Table

The term “working under the table” is a phrase that is commonly known to a lot of people, but some may not be aware of what the phrase refers to. Working under the table means that someone is collecting a fee for work performed, but not reporting that income to the Internal Revenue Service or… Read more »

A Couple Random Things You Didn’t Know About Social Security

Social Security is an agency that most Americans know at least a little something about it functions. There are a lot of nuances to Social Security programs, like retirement and disability, but there are some little known things about Social Security that most Americans are not aware of. Below, we will examine some things you… Read more »

The Latest With Social Security

We realize it may be a stretch for ordinary people to want to keep up with the comings and goings of the Social Security Administration, but sometimes circumstances permit where someone does want to follow the latest news regarding the agency due to a possible retirement or disability interest. This blog is an ongoing piecemeal… Read more »

Why Did They Support ALEC In The First Place?

News recently came out that the AARP has withdrawn its support from the American Legislative Exchange Council, better known as ALEC, after its membership voiced outraged that the AARP could support a right-wing lobbying group associated with the Koch brothers, who are kingpins within the conservative movement. One has to wonder who is running AARP… Read more »

Why Did They Support ALEC In The First Place?

News recently came out that the AARP has withdrawn its support from the American Legislative Exchange Council, better known as ALEC, after its membership voiced outraged that the AARP could support a right-wing lobbying group associated with the Koch brothers, who are kingpins within the conservative movement. One has to wonder who is running AARP… Read more »

It Could Happen To You

There is no doubt that when someone has been approved for Social Security disability benefits that it is a huge relief. For most people who get this welcoming news it comes after more than two years worth of being denied, appealing decisions and waiting with very few resources to live on. Once someone is approved… Read more »

The Sky Is Not Falling, Even Fox News Says So

As we all saw at the recent Republican National Convention the Republicans tend to take a doom and gloom approach to America and FOX tends to be the party’s top cheerleader, but sometimes it’s difficult to deny the facts. As you can see by this recent story from FOX Business, the panic about Social Security… Read more »