The Social Security disability process is littered with emotional highs and lows. One example is the five-month waiting period disabled workers are faced with when they are approved for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Many times Social Security disability applicants express a sigh of relief when they find out they are approved for SSDI, but… Read more »
When a Vocational Expert is Scheduled to be at My Hearing
A huge sigh of relief usually follows the notification that a claimant’s Social Security disability hearing is scheduled. Finally, it gives a claimant a chance to have their “day in court” to prove they deserve either Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Sometimes that relief is soon replaced with trepidation… Read more »
Why You Are Mandated To Apply For Social Security Disability If You Receive Other Assistance
Many people turn to other places before Social Security when it becomes apparent they are unable to maintain fulltime work. Sometimes a person will receive disability insurance through their employer, but the terms of that assistance requires the worker to apply for Social Security disability. Most of the time this is so the insurance company… Read more »
The Windfall Offset Provision
There are two types of Social Security disability programs claimants may be eligible for when filing an application. The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program provides monthly benefits to disabled workers basked on their income while working, but the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program is based on financial need for disabled individuals. Sometimes people qualify… Read more »
The Eligibility Requirements For SSI
Many times we have indicated that Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs-based program that provides monthly payments to people who are found disabled by Social Security, as well as retirees who can show there is a financial need for SSI, but what exactly does Social Security look at when determining eligibility? Aged, Blind And… Read more »
It Is A Myth That Undocumented Workers Are Raiding Social Security Programs
Every time there is a story about how much Social Security pays out in benefits there are going to be comments from readers who complain that undocumented workers are recipients of a lot of benefits they do not deserve, or that they have not contributed, but rather just collected money from Social Security. Sometimes the… Read more »
When Social Security Decides To Investigate
Members of the Republican Party have insinuated that there is rampant fraud that exists with the Social Security disability program, despite the fact that records show there is fraud in less than 1 percent of cases. It is no secret that Social Security is going to have funding issues down the road, many republicans believe… Read more »
Congress Offers No Relief For Social Security Budget
As long as the Republican Party controls congress there does not seem to be any possibility that Social Security’s operating budget will be increased, which means wait times for Social Security disability hearings will increase further and customer service will decline yet to another level. The Los Angeles Times recently reported that the U.S. House… Read more »
The Mechanisms That Fund Social Security Programs
There are many different types of Social Security and Medicare benefits and all are funded through an array of sources. Funding of Social Security benefits is usually a popular topic as some people claim the current level of funding will not sustain the programs for more than the next 15 years, so it is important… Read more »
Missing A Social Security Deadline
Social Security comes up with arbitrary deadlines all the time. Sometimes these deadlines mean very little, as an example, the agency will require a disability claimant to send back questionnaires within a 10-day period. These deadlines mean very little because Social Security is unlikely to make a decision on a claim after just 10 days… Read more »