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General Info

What your Case Manager does

As a case manager, I conduct interviews with clients, complete initial applications, and file appeals. I also answer incoming calls from clients and make sure SSA is updated when necessary. One of the questions clients commonly ask is – when do I need to call my case manager? You should contact your case manager right away if you: Change your address Change your phone number Receive a new diagnosis Are hospitalize Return to work Receive a decision from Social Security regarding your claim We periodically update your medical information so it is not necessary to contact us each time you go to the doctor or start treating at a new clinic. However, it is important that you maintain a list with the names and telephone numbers of all doctors, clinics, and hospitals you treat with or at so when we request updated information you will have it easily available. My advice to all our clients is simple: keep treating with your doctors and keep in touch with my office if you move or change your telephone number. Medical evidence is extremely important in proving a claim for disability — you need to continue to treat with your doctor and follow the recommended treatment plan. Absent medical evidence supporting your claim, it will be very difficult to prove disability. Also, let your doctors know you have filed for Social Security disability. Their opinion as to your diagnoses, the severity of your impairments, and what limitations you may have is given considerable weight. Following these guidelines will ensure that your case manager can get in touch with you and that SSA will have all the relevant information at each stage of the disability claim process.


The Adult Disability Report (part II)

TAMING THE BEAST: THE ADULT DISABILITY REPORT PART 2 OR REALLY… WE HAVE TO REMEMBER ALL THAT… HOW? In part 1, we learned the reasons why the SSA asks for a mass quantity of specific information (medical history, prescriptions, work history, significant dates in the work history), it’s time to figure out preparation. Before you go online, or start your phone or in person interview, make lists. The toughest part for an applicant, is remembering it on the spot. This is not a standardized test. Cheat sheets are not only welcome, they are encouraged. LIST 1: PLACES YOU HAVE RECEIVED HEALTHCARE TREATMENT: Classify each line item by facility (because facilities are more likely to have medical records than each individual doctor), and note address, phone number, doctor’s name (if you know it), first outpatient visit, most recent outpatient visit, next appointment, any ER visits, any medical tests (what test and when), and the date ranges of any inpatient stays. If you can’t remember exact dates, make your most educated guess (if you have to leave it at the month that is fine). The medical records the SSA retrieves will fill in some of those blanks. LIST 2: OTHER PLACES WITH MEDICAL RECORDS: In addition to healthcare facilities, often times medical records are kept at non-traditional sites. If you have been part of a personal injury claim, a worker’s compensation claim, a malpractice claim, or any other claim where your medical records are at issue, think of the name and contact information for your attorney’s office (if you had one) and write that down, as attorney offices often keep the medical records as part of the file. If you are receiving public welfare (food stamps, general assistance, medical assistance), write down the county or state department you are receiving those services from, and the contact for any social worker, if applicable. Also, if you saw a doctor in a prison, write down the name of the doctor, the contact for the facility, and the conditions being treated. If you had vocational rehabilitation, relevant medical treatment may be at the facility running the rehabilitation. If you have had health insurance, try to find that insurance card. Finally, think of anywhere else that’s not a medical facility that might have medical records, write down the contact info, and what you went to the facility for. It is not uncommon that thinking of these will cause people to expand on List 1. LIST 2: YOUR MEDICATIONS: Take a look at everything you are taking. Note what you are taking, who prescribed it (or if it is over the counter), and what it is for. LIST 3: YOUR WORK HISTORY: Make a list of all the job titles you have had over the past 15 years. Note the types of companies each job title was for. Then try to estimate the start date of each job (month and year) and the end date (month and year). Note the hours per day you averaged, and how many days per week, also your rate of pay. If you are not working when you file the application, you will need to know the exact date you stopped working (you can estimate it). If you stopped working for reasons other than your condition, you need to estimate the exact date your conditions became so bad so as to keep you from working. Whether or not you stopped working by the time you fill out the Adult Disability Report, if you had to make changes in your work to accommodate your conditions (changing hours, duties, asking for help, taking more breaks), then you need to estimate an exact date that began. Finally, think of someone in your life who knows you. This could be a spouse, another close family member, friend or neighbor, so long as they understand what you are going through. Note that person’s name, address and phone number (and let them know you are listing them). SSA will want the name of another contact person who they can ask about your condition. Preparation can help make the Adult Disability Report easier and a smoother process. Making cheat sheets can help an applicant recall everything he/she needs right on the spot. Take some time before you fill it out to get ready. It will make for a more complete Adult Disability Report, and a happier you when completing it.


The Adult Disability Report (Part I)

TAMING THE BEAST: THE ADULT DISABILITY REPORT PART I or REALLY…WE HAVE TO REMEMBER ALL THAT… WHY?             Despite the several different ways of filling out an initial application for Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income (online, over the phone, in person at your local SSA office), there is no getting around the fact that the required Adult Disability Report makes it a long and arduous application.  You will need to be able to recall every place you have sought medical treatment over the past 12 months: including every ER visit, every medical test, various outpatient appointments, every facility you have visited, all your medications you are taking, and the location of anywhere else that might have your medical records.  You will also need to be able to recall all the jobs you have had for the past 15 years: including job title, company, hours worked per day, days worked per week, wage/salary and (in some cases) very specific duties.  You will also need to recall the time period you graduated from your highest grade, and, where applicable, information regarding your most recent school in which you have had special education courses (including school name and dates of attendance). If you are an adult thinking about filling out an initial application and just read the above paragraph, take deep breath and count to ten.  It can be easier than it looks, with the right mindset and preparation. Let’s start with understanding the reason why they ask for this information.  In order to qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits and Supplemental Security Income, a person has to meet the medical requirements for being disabled.  This is achieved through objective medical evidence, which is achieved most greatly through an applicant’s medical records.  During the initial application process, it is up to the Social Security Administration to look for all the relevant medical records. This is why the Adult Disability Report asks everywhere an applicant has sought recent medical treatment, and medical treatment further back if it’s relevant.  It asks about the date range for oldest to most recent visits to know the date range for medical records to look for.  It asks about medical tests and ER visits, so they know to pay special attention to those when they appear in the records.  It asks about workers compensation claims, whether the applicant is on public welfare, whether the applicant has seen a doctor in a prison or jail, whether the applicant has attended vocational rehabilitation, and whether there are medical records at an attorney’s office, so the SSA knows that there are other places with relevant medical records.  It also asks about medications, so the SSA knows to look for those in the records, and to know that the applicant is treating for the conditions he/she is alleging. In addition, the work and education history becomes important here, as the applicant is alleging that the conditions prevent him/her from working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.  The SSA needs to know what kind of work the applicant has done in the past, to know how the conditions affect the applicant’s ability to do his/her job.  The work and education history also show whether the applicant can perform other duties that their conditions don’t prevent them from doing.  If an applicant spent his/her life as a standing assembly worker, loses their ability to stand for lengths of time, but can still sit, he/she may be still able do a sit down job, if the education and work history show skills necessary for sit down jobs. A specific piece (or pieces in some cases) of work history becomes especially important to the SSA.  The Adult Disability Report will want to know the specific date an applicant stopped working (if the applicant stopped).  If the applicant stopped working for reasons other than the alleged conditions, the SSA will want to know the date the alleged conditions became so bad so as to keep the applicant from working independent of those other reasons.  If the applicant had to make changes to your work to accommodate his/her conditions (like taking more frequent breaks, requesting more help, changing duties or modifying hours or days worked), the SSA will want to know the specific date the applicant started these changes.  These dates can be estimated, but the best educated guess is necessary, because the SSA uses this data to help determine when the start date for benefits, should the applicant win his/her claim. Essentially, the applicant’s job when filling out the Adult Disability Report is to point the SSA in the right direction to where the information is.  At this stage, they will pull the records themselves, if they know what to look for, and where.  The next step for the applicant is preparation.  Look for that in Part II.


Unsuccessful Work Attempt

As mentioned in the previous post entitled “Understanding the Sequential Evaluation Process,” at step one of the sequential evaluation the SSA inquires whether the individual applying for benefits is working. If the individual is currently working the SSA will examine how much the individual is earning per month. Typically if an individual’s monthly gross income in 2012 is greater than $1,010 (substantial gainful activity (SGA)) he or she will not be found disabled. The theory is, an individual cannot allege he or she is disabled from working and actually be engaged in substantial gainful activity, i.e. work activity producing $1,010 or greater in gross income per month. There are exceptions to this general rule however. One such exception is called an “unsuccessful work attempt.” An Unsuccessful Work Attempt (UWA) is a policy the SSA has in place in order to disregard relatively brief work attempts that do not demonstrate sustained substantial gainful activity. In having this policy, the SSA allows individuals to test their ability to return to work without penalty if the work ceases due to the underlying impairment. There are very specific criteria which must be considered in determining whether an UWA is appropriate. First, there must be a “significant break in the continuity of a person’s work before he or she can be considered to have begun a work attempt that later proved unsuccessful.” (SSRs 84-25 and 05-02). Typically, this means there must be a break of at least 30 consecutive days. Second, the work attempt must have lasted less than six months. In considering work attempts lasting three months or less, the SSA will determine whether the work ended or was reduced blow the SGA level due to the underlying impairment or due to the removal of special conditions related to the impairment that are essential to the further performance of the work. (Id). If the job ended or was reduced to below SGA levels due to these reasons in three months or less, this activity can be considered an UWA. In considering work attempts lasting between three and six months, the SSA will determine whether the work ended or was reduced due to the underlying impairment or due to the removal of special conditions related to the impairment that are essential to the further performance of the work, but additional factors are considered as well. In order for a work effort lasting between three and six months to be considered an UWA an individual must establish a) there were frequent absences due to the impairment; or b) the work performed was unsatisfactory due to the impairment; or c) the work was performed during a period of temporary remission of the impairment; or d) the work was done under special conditions. (Id). If an individual engaged in SGA level work lasting more than six months, such activity cannot be considered a UWA regardless of why it ended or was reduced below the SGA level.


Date Last Insured and Quarters of Coverage Credits

You might hear the term “Date Last Insured” or its acronym “DLI” being used when attorneys and the Social Security Administration (SSA) discuss an individual’s eligibility for disability benefits. This is the last date a disability is covered by Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB).  The disability must be present (but not necessarily diagnosed) on or before that date. That means you can still be eligible for DIB even if you apply years after your DLI has passed. For example, the author of this article has a DLI of June 30, 2016. The calculation the SSA uses to determine an individual’s DLI involves whether the individual has recently paid enough into Social Security through FICA or Social Security self-employment taxes. As the “I” in its name implies, DIB is similar to a private disability insurance policy and our FICA and Social Security self-employment taxes are similar to the monthly payments made to maintain an insurance policy. The SSA uses “Quarters of Coverage” (QC or more commonly known as “Social Security credits,” “work credits,” and “credits”) as the method to determine whether the individual has paid enough into Social Security. An individual earns a credit when the individual’s annual earnings on reach an amount set by the statutes governing Social Security. The required amount of earnings is determined using a formula that compares the current average wage index against the average wage index in 1978 and adjusts the required amount accordingly. $1,130 in annual earnings is the minimum amount to earn a credit in 2012. The SSA keeps a historical table that shows the amount of earnings needed from 1978 to the present on its website. An individual can earn up to four (4) credits in a single year; thus, an individual who earns $4,520 in 2012 will earn four credits as will an individual who earns $10,000, $50,000, or even $250,000 in 2012. The number of credits an individual has earned in the last ten years and how many credits an individual has earned total in his or her lifetime are both important to determine whether the individual is eligible for DIB. For individuals at least 31 years old, 20 credits must have been earned in the past ten years; individuals under the age of 31 require fewer credits to qualify. Also, individuals over the age of 42 need to have earned more than 20 credits over their lifetime, but 20 of those credits must have been earned in the past 10 years – the SSA has a table on its website that explains how many credits an individual has earned in his or her lifetime to qualify for DIB.


The Appeals Council Process

If you receive an unfavorable hearing decision from an Administrative Law Judge, there is one more level of appeal within the Social Security Administration’s adjudication process. This final step is called Appeals Council, or AC, review. If you do not want to file an appeal with the AC, your other option is to re-file your claim, which means starting over by filing a new claim with your local Social Security office. The most important thing to know about taking your claim to the Appeals Council is that, as of 2011, most people cannot both file a new claim and file an appeal with the AC. Because of the new Social Security Ruling 11-1p, you cannot have two claims for the same type of benefits pending at the same time. So for most people, when they get an unfavorable hearing decision they have to choose between appealing that decision to the AC or filing a new claim. Each option has different implications for your case. Talk to your attorney to see what he or she recommends before you make a decision. If you appeal your case to the AC, you are sending your appeal to one national processing center where everyone in the United States of America has to send their case if they are unhappy with the outcome of their hearing. The headquarters for the Appeals Council is in Falls Church, Virginia, outside of Washington, D.C., but there are some satellite offices in other parts of the Washington D.C. area. The Appeals Council says it received over 128,000 requests for review in the 2010 fiscal year. Because there is only one Appeals Council for the entire country, your appeal is likely to take over a year. The AC says that the average processing time for a case in the 2010 fiscal year was 345 days (Id.). The amount of time it takes to hear back from the AC can be a major consideration for claimants deciding whether to re-file their claim or appeal it. Once the Appeals Council does finally adjudicate your case, there are three possible outcomes: you may get a denial notice, a remand notice, or a decision. Again, each of these documents has unique legal implications, and you should talk to your lawyer as soon as you get your Appeals Council notice. The implications of each of those types of Appeals Council documents will be the topic of a later post, but for now, remember that if you are unhappy with the outcome of your hearing, there is a final step for administrative review. Although this step is likely to take over a year, it sometimes has legal benefits that make it better for your case than re-filing a new claim would be. Be sure you examine all of your options before you make a decision.

General Info

Working at Greeman Toomey

I’ve done more in my weeks here thus far, than I’ve done in as many months at any other place. The people here are diligent, smart and always willing to answer questions. The people here also very much believe in what the firm does, and work hard to help everyone that needs us. It’s always a great feeling to know that when you get an application or appeal submitted, or when you watch the ALJ find in the client’s favor, you know you did something good. Since I’ve joined the firm, I’ve completed several initial applications and appeals, watched hearings, updated SSA and many of our clients. I walk into work everyday knowing I’ve got a job to do, and doing it is something that makes me and my family proud. ~Michael Vogel


Failure to Follow Prescribed Treatment

Medical evidence is a cornerstone in proving a Social Security disability claim. However, some individuals are sometimes not able to receive the necessary treatment due to various factors including lack of medical insurance or other economic barriers. Social Security Ruling 82-59 addresses the issue of failure to follow prescribed treatment. The ruling states in pertinent part: An individual who would otherwise be found to be under a disability, but who fails without justifiable cause to follow treatment prescribed by a treating source which the Social Security Administration (SSA) determines can be expected to restore the individual’s ability to work, cannot be [sic] virtue of such “failure” be found to be under a disability. (SSR 82-59). In order to establish that an individual has failed to follow prescribed treatment, it must be shown that treatment which is clearly expected to restore capacity to engage in substantial gainful activity has been prescribed by a treating source, and the evidence of record discloses that there has been refusal to follow prescribed treatment. The Social Security Administration must determine whether the prescribed treatment can be expected to restore the claimant’s ability to work. If it is not found that the prescribed treatment is expected to restore the claimant’s ability to work, then the SSA may not use the “failure” to follow prescribed treatment as the basis for denying a claim. Further, where the SSA makes the determination of “failure,” a determination must also be made as to whether or not failure to follow the prescribed treatment is justifiable. If a claimant is able to prove their inability to follow through with prescribed treatment is justifiable, then again, the SSA may not use the “failure” to follow prescribed treatment as the basis for denying a claim.

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