The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps low-income people purchase food and is a resource many people who are going through the Social Security disability process rely on. If you apply for Social Security benefits you can apply for SNAP at the same time, which makes it pretty convenient. Below are some of the guidelines of the program and information about ways to apply.
To get SNAP benefits, your household must meet certain conditions and requirements. Your household includes everyone who lives with you, and who buys and prepares food together. If you are homeless, you can still get SNAP even if you do not have a permanent address or place to stay.
Apply At Social Security
Getting or applying only for Social Security? You can get a SNAP application and information about SNAP and other nutrition assistance programs at any Social Security office. You must either fill out the application and submit it to the SNAP office or go to the SNAP office to apply. Getting or applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? You can apply for SNAP benefits at any Social Security office if you and everyone in your household get or apply for SSI. Social Security will help you fill out the SNAP application. You do not have to go to the SNAP office to apply.
Most people who apply for Social Security disability benefits or SSI benefits face financial hardships. SNAP is one program that can help people sustain the long wait periods during the disability process, but other such services should be investigated at the state or county level for such things as housing, or financial assistance.