What is the Social Security Administration “Red Book?”

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has published a reference material called the Red Book. It is a guide book for beneficiaries of Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits who are working or want to return to work.  The introduction of the publication states that one of the SSA’s highest priorities is to develop policies that help beneficiaries who want to work reach their employment goals.

The Red Book provides descriptions and information regarding the SSA’s programs available to SSD and SSI recipients who have started working or are thinking about starting working. Theses descriptions use plain language in an effort to make it easier for readers to understand.

For beneficiaries who return to work, the Red Book describes: what their reporting responsibilities are; when their disability may be reviewed; and when their work activity may cause their benefits to stop.

The Red Book also explains the employment supports that are available to beneficiaries who are working. These include but are not limited to:  Expedited Reinstatement of Benefits; Impairment-Related Work Expenses; and Trial Work Periods.

Further, it provides a list of resources you can contact if you interested in receiving assistance finding employment. Some of these resources are a Work Incentive Liason (which can be found at each of the SSA’s field offices), American Job Centers and the Federal Government’s Office of Personnel Management that does targeted hiring of workers with disabilities that have certain significant physical or mental disabilities.

Finally, the Red Book also provides information on how to contact the SSA if you have to report any information or have any questions or understanding the SSA’s rules on returning to work

The entire Red Book can be found online at the SSA’s website. Please click here to view the Red book.