Demystifying Entitlement Programs through Technology

It’s an election year, and the two political tickets, Obama/Biden and Romney/Paul, have very different visions for the future of your Social Security disability benefits. Mitt Romney has unleashed significant misinformation campaigns to keep voters from casting an educated vote in November, and these misinformation campaigns involve lies about programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

If you are watching TV or listening to the radio and find yourself confused or intrigued by the claims of a paid political advertisement, there’s a new high-tech way for you to investigate: Cell phone apps for your smart phone can now fact-check political advertising. Two free apps for your smart phone will help you navigate some dubious claims this election season. One is called Super PAC. If you hold your phone up and record a political advertisement while running this app, it will listen to the ad playing on TV and inform you who paid for that ad. An Apple-specific version of this same service is called Ad Hawk.

These free apps can help you avoid unofficial information that your candidate did not officially endorse – information that is likely to be biased. When your benefits are on the line, it’s important to vote, and to vote informed!

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