Extra Help Available For Medicare Prescription Drug Costs

Prescription drugs, that your medical providers have prescribed to treat your conditions, can be quite spendy, so much so that many people can’t afford to pay for some or even all of their prescriptions. If they are unable to pay for prescribed medications, their conditions are likely to get worse, but also have very little chance of improving. Luckily, those who are entitled to Medicare coverage, which provides medical coverage for retired individuals and the disabled, can get some extra assistance to help pay for their prescription drugs.

The Medicare Prescription Drug Program offers extra help with prescription drug costs. If you have limited income and resources, Social Security can help. The Extra Help will provide relief for some or all payments of premiums, annual deductible, and co-payments related to the Medicare Prescription Drug Program.

NOTE: : Unless you tell us not to on your Extra Help application, SSA will transmit data used to determine Extra Help eligibility and the amount of Extra Help from the application process to your Medicaid State agency to initiate an application for the Medicare Savings Programs (MSP). The State may then contact you for any additional information needed.


You are entitled to Extra Help with prescription drug costs if you:

  1. Are entitled to benefits under Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) or enrolled in Medicare Part B (medical insurance) or both, and
  2. Reside in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia, and
  3. Have countable resources of less than $12,640 if you are single and $25,260 if you are married and living together (in 2011),

NOTE: Resources do not include your home, car, household items, burial plot, $1,500 per person for burial expenses, or life insurance policies, and

  1. Have an annual income of less than $16,335 if you are single or $22,065 if you are married and living together (in 2011). Your income can be higher if you support other family members who live with you, have earnings from work, or live in Alaska or Hawaii, and
  2. File an application with SSA or with a Medicaid State agency.